Monday, February 12, 2007


Job Hiring

I was just thinking of school hirings for teachers. Basically it comes down to who we think the best fit is for our school. I keep wondering, what was it that they saw in me that prompted them to hire me? Yes, I graduated from college, happened to be a coach, and teach science. Hopefully I was qualified, however, I had never taught before and was straight out of student teaching. So, was I hired because they saw the potential?, the commitment?, or was I hired because I was an Arapahoe graduate? I would hope that it was not just because I walked these halls as a student, but upon my other merits that I was judged. It would be nice to have the ability to hear other peoples thoughts, every once in a while.

I'm pretty sure it was because of your dancing ability . . .

I would imagine that being an AHS graduate didn't hurt, but do you really think Ron would hire you just because of that? I don't think so - he hired you because he thought you would be a great teacher, a great mentor, a great coach. And I think he was right.

But if you really want to hear other people's thoughts, maybe you should ask him.
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